Monday 5 December 2011

Audience Research

Introduction and Methodology
In order for my group to better understand the target audience of our trailer, so we could make something that would appeal to them, we conducted audience research. We did this by creating a survey on the free website SurveyMonkey, consisting of short and concise questions that would leave us with an array of quantitative data e.g. age, gender, favourite sub genres of horror, and hours spent watching horror. We decided to just use closed questions so the information we received would be simple to sort and understand. Our survey was posted on various social media websites to reach our target audience such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Overall the survey was a success as it made us realise that the sub-genre of horror which we wanted to imitate in our trailer would attract our target audience. The survey could have been improved by including more questions to give us a greater range of data, as well as giving a 'other' option on some questions to give us some qualitative data.

1 comment:

  1. Good research but your methodology needs evaluation. What did you do, why, compared to other ways of doing it, and what problems were there? Use appropriate vocab like quantitative/qualitative, focus group, questionnaire, interview, primary and secondary research... Ask me if not sure about this.
